Sunday 6 January 2008

Annus Horribilis

In the annals of the Kingdom of Himmelbad, the late King Alberich III was acknowledged to be the grand unifier who finally brought together the warring bloodlines and regions. Indeed, Alberich's greatness came mainly from the battles that he fought and won in order to unify his kingdom.

When Alberich died (some say he died of a broken heart due to the strain of keeping the kingdom together), he subdivided his kingdom between each of his children. Why he did this has been the subject of endless debate.

Some have said that Alberich wanted his successor to unify the kingdom just like he had, and so splintered it so that any potential heir would be forced to prove their worth. Certainly it appears that his eldest son Ferdinand believed this to be true. Others whisper that Alberich was fearful of giving too much power to Ferdinand, and so diluted the inheritance by creating each of the brothers and sisters as ruler of their own portion, as a counter-balance to Ferdinand's ambition.

Ferdinand, for his part, was furious at this subinfeudalisation, and could not contain his ire. And so it was that, in an audacious bid for power, Ferdinand declared 'Year Zero' in his first 'Royal' decree, and set in motion events to have himself crowned Ferdinand I, King of Himmelbad.

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