Saturday 5 January 2008

Blood and Water

In the eye of my mind they are all still there though all these years have since passed, and many are dead, and I too am on my deathbed just like great Alberich was that day. There I see Ferdinand turning away from his father’s weak body, with its head raised on the royal pillow of golden threaded silks, too weak to sip the water being offered by the physician. In mid-turn, Ferdinand’s mouth is already half smiling, as if even then he knew that he would soon be dead himself and his father’s kingdoms torn apart by the children at war, even though his last words to his dying father were those giving on his honour a promise that they would all live in peace with one another. There too with her head bowed is Alberich's only daughter, Ferdinand’s sister, Isabella, grieving her great loss. Does she also weep because she knows how she and her brothers will make war upon one another and destroy the unity their father created? There also is the blank face of Gustav, who never thought his father who was so great in life could be so incapable in death, and actually die. He was destined to rule his part of his father’s kingdom in the same way as he looked then, it was never in his heart that he could live up to his father, and he was lost without him. Look, there is Siegfried, much beloved of his father Alberich, but what good will it do him now, with nothing to shield him from Ferdinand’s hatred? And yes I see too the eager grin of Ruprecht the bastard, who because of his ill-birth had abandoned all hope of inheritance or recognition. I am sorry Ruprecht, I did think then that you were the cuckoo in the nest and the cause of all the troubles that soon came upon us all. I now know that it was Ferdinand’s hand that did all this. And there is King Alberich III the Great, his lips wet and reddened with his own blood, still barely breathing and wondering which breath will be the last, with his earthly eyes on his wayward children, and his thoughts already at the gates of Heaven. Why did the Lord take you from us so soon Alberich? Life became so terrible for us after your passing.


Bluebear Jeff said...


If this is a SYW-era blog . . . and you would like to become a part of the "Emperor vs Elector" group blog, email me at and I'll see that an invitation wends your way.

In any event, welcome to the world of blog.

-- Jeff

A J said...

Welcome to the world of ImagiNations! What an excellent beginning. I look forward to seeing the history of the Grand Duchy unfold.

Der Alte Fritz said...

Welcome to the blogging world. Friedrich II of Germania is always on the look out for friendly countries in your part of Urope. One thing though, it is kind of hard for my old eyes to read the white font on black background. Perhaps a more reader friendly template would be in order.

best wishes,

Der Alte Fritz

Frankfurter said...

Frankszonia has added your blog to its list of Numinous Neighbors and will throw a kegger to celebrate with good brats being sold to raise funds for Charity ... (Charity being the mistress of one of our better generals) ....

tradgardmastare said...

welcome to Europa - hope you enjoy it....

tradgardmastare said...

welcome to Europa - hope you enjoy it....

ColCampbell50 said...


Not a negative comment about content, but I find that white letters on a black background are very difficult to put up with for any length of time. It may be just my old eyes but you may want to try a different coloring scheme on your blog that is more pleasing to the eye.

But whatever you decide, please keep up the good work!


abdul666 said...

Welcome aboard this ship of ..., well not of fools, just of Lace Wars Imagi-Nations rulers.

If some of us are Marxists, it's only of the Groucho trend.

(aka Louys of Monte-Cristo)

Paul Williams said...

I liked the white text on black, but if it makes it harder to read then that just defeats the purpose! Thanks for letting me know :-)

Bluebear Jeff said...

I hadn't said anything (after all, it's your blog), but for my old eyes the new format is much easier to read.

Thank you for changing.

-- Jeff

Fitz-Badger said...

Glad to see you found your way to the EvE world of ImagiNations of the 18th century.
The name is great and the first couple of posts are an auspicious beginning.
Expect to receive requests for photos, uniform designs, etc. from all and sundry. ;-)

MurdocK said...

excellent starting point...leaving off where the WILL never gets read!

Welcome again to the Imagi-Nations of Urope